Do not use our PayPal link or mail a check until your application has been approved.
In submitting this application, I have read and agree to all of the rules and regulations pertaining to and governing this Festival and hereby declare and affirm that any and all work I exhibit has been personally hand-produced by the undersigned. I submit my work to be exhibited at my own risk and will not hold the Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival, the Montrose Shopping Park Association, the City of Glendale or any of its agents or representatives liable for loss or damages. If I do not comply with the rules, regulations and procedures of this Festival, I agree that I may be removed from the show without a refund of my application fee. I understand that there will be no refunds for exhibitor cancellation within 15 days of the Festival date, nor will there be refunds or credits due to the cancellation or reduction of Festival hours resulting from acts of God or situations beyond the control of the Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival.